Staff Shortage Survey – EUR Region

Suggested by its European Member Associations, IFATCA has conducted a survey to try and score the impact of staff shortages across the region. The participating Member Associations rated the following items:

      • An overall appreciation of the staffing situation in the tower, approach, area control and support units of their ANSP

      • The frequency of overtime in towers, approach, area control and support units

      • The staff planning look-ahead time

      • Whether and how often staff shortage has been identified as a contributing factor in safety events.

    Based on the answers, each country was given an average rating, which translated to a colour on the map below – green for overall well-staffed; yellow for some concerns; orange for overall concern; red for services deeply impacted by staffing shortages.

    By clicking on a country, additional data is shown on the answers each Member Association provided.

    Disclaimer: The information and data on this page are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. While we have tried to represent the information provided to us as accurately as possible, IFATCA takes no responsibility for the accuracy and does not warrant the accuracy of or make any other warranties or representations regarding the information presented here. Furthermore, the information here may be updated without notice to the users. Use of the information here is at your sole and absolute risk. If you believe data is misrepresented, please get in touch with the Member Association involved.