Annual Conferences

Every year, the Federation holds the IFATCA Conference; the Annual General Meeting of the Member Associations. Directors and delegates attend to provide direction to the Executive Board and determine the rules and policies of the Federation. The event also provides an opportunity to interact with local aviation dignitaries and specialists, IFATCA’s Industry Partners and other Professional Staff Organisation representatives.
The Opening Plenary session formalises the commencement of the proceedings.  Following the Opening Plenary, the delegates will divide into three ‘committee sessions’; A, B, and C.
Commitee A is the administrative body of the Federation. Where the changes to the constitution and byelaws are developed and debated. The procedures for the functioning of the day-to-day operations are discussed, as are finanical matters and the budget of the Federation.
Commitee B deals with Operational & Technical matters. The working papers and other materials developed over the year by the Technical & Operations Commitee (TOC) will be presented and debated. These discussions will produce policies and guidance material for the use of the Member Associations. It has been claimed (and disputed!) that Committee B is the best committee…
Committee C considers matters of a Legal and Professional nature. As with Committee , the working papers of the Professional & Legal Commitee (PLC) will be presented for debate and associated policies will be determined. During the week, Committees B & C will meet for a joint session where topics of a broad nature will be discussed, and the reports of the many international representatives will be presented.

Each region will meet for a Regional Meeting where matters of a regional nature will be discussed, and Member Associations can raise issues to their Regional Vice-President.
The Closing Plenary will be the final session of the week long event, where the directors of the Member Associations present will formally approve the proceedings of the week.

Upcoming Conference

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Monday 28th April to Friday 2nd May 2025

Previous Conferences

2023Montego Bay, Jamaica
2019Guanacaste, Costa Rica
2018Accra, Ghana
2017Toronta, Canada
2016Las Vegas, USA
2015Sofia, Bulgaria

For more information on the Annual Conferences, please contact the IFATCA Office