IFATCA Asia/Pacific Regional Meeting in Nepal

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Attendees of the ASP Regional Meeting in Nepal


The 36th IFATCA Asia/Pacific Regional Meeting was held from 21 to 23 November 2019 in the Aloft Hotel in Kathmandu, Nepal. This event was organised by the Nepal Air Traffic Controllers’ Association and supported by more than 60 aviation entities. It was a highly attended regional meeting, with 14 Member Associations present. Another three had given proxies, meaning that only two associations from the region were not represented.

It was the third IFATCA gathering in Nepal, after the first regional meeting in 2004 and the annual Conference in 2012.

Apart from a number of highly appreciated presentations and discussions (see https://nepalatc.com/program-details.php), four regional Vice-Presidents were elected to assist EVP ASP: Cheryl Yen-Chun Chen, Taiwan (North-Asia); Niranjan Dallakoti, Nepal (South-West Asia); Greg Okeroa, New Zealand (Pacific); and Rudy S. Boctot Jr, Philippines (South-East Asia).

The next Asia/Pacific Regional Meeting will be held in Cebu, the Philippines.