
IFATCA is a federation of professional associations, organisations, and guilds of air traffic control personnel, known as Member Associations (MAs). Membership in the Federation is typically obtained through membership associations. However, if no local association exists, individual membership may be considered.


IFATCA provides its MAs and their members with effective support in dealing with challenges that influence the working environment of air traffic controllers.

IFATCA provides the necessary platforms to foster this communication. By utilizing IFATCA’s extensive knowledge, network, and expertise, MAs and their members can interact with other international organisations such as IFALPA, IFATSEA, IFISA, IFAIMA, IFALPDA, IATA, CANSO, IBAC, ICCAIA, ACI, IAOPA, and many more.

IFATCA MAs and their members gain access to a wide array of resources, including:

  • Access to IFATCA’s technical and professional policies, along with research on contemporary issues regarding safety and technology. These policies represent the world’s best practice according to IFATCA.
  • Access to recommended practices on professional and legal matters, providing comprehensive information and advice for MAs dealing with challenges related to their respective ANSP.
  • Expertise from air traffic controllers worldwide, covering all aspects of ATS, ATC and ATM, supplemented by insights from other international organisations, all of whom complement IFATCA’s technical, safety and professional expertise.
  • Sharing of technical expertise from ANSPs and associations from more than 130 countries on current challenges, such as:
    • Improved efficiency
    • Safety assessments
    • Rostering and fatigue issues
    • Implementation of new procedures
    • Preliminary advice on new technology
    • Information sharing on implementation and transition plans for new equipment
  • Direct input into developing international Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) at ICAO, ensuring that challenges experienced by IFATCA’s MAs are addressed throughout the standard-making process.
  • Access to the IFATCA leadership team, including the Executive Board, which can assist in addressing professional or technical issues with ANSPs and/or CAAs.
  • Enhanced credibility with government actors and international organisations, given IFATCA’s professional and apolitical focus on aviation safety and efficiency.
  • First-hand problem-solving experience from MAs worldwide, offering practical user experiences rather than commercial capabilities.
  • Access to a member-only section of the IFATCA website, featuring guidance materials, reference documents, training resources, industry news, and more.
  • Access to the Information Handbook, an extensive database covering environmental and human factors in ATC across represented countries of the Federation. This database allows for comparisons of over 70 metrics, such as demographic data, staffing, professional and technical matters, useful for benchmarking associations regionally or globally.
  • Access to IFATCA publications such as The Controller Magazine and IFATCA newsletters showcasing the latest news in the industry, developments within IFATCA, and articles relevant to our MAs.


Involvement in IFATCA allows your Association to voice its opinions on the international stage, influencing global decisions that affect the working environment of air traffic controllers at a wide variety of forums. By participating and engaging with other MAs, your Association gets to:

  • Access information regarding new technologies and procedures
  • Obtain and/or provide mutual support from/to other MAs
  • Form alliances and contribute to cooperative platforms with other MAs
  • Compare working conditions, global remuneration, technology, etc.

Another crucial role of IFATCA on the global stage is providing input into ICAO’s decision-making and standard-making processes. Individual air traffic controllers and associations not affiliated with IFATCA do not have recognition at this level. Only international organisations such as IFATCA, duly accredited by ICAO, are invited to participate in ICAO’s work.

Through years of dedicated effort, IFATCA has earned recognition within ICAO and has actively contributed to numerous initiatives. IFATCA’s involvement at ICAO includes:

  • Industry observer on the Air Navigation Commission (ANC)
  • Member or chair status on 12 Air Navigation Commission Panels
  • Participation in taskforces, advisory groups, working groups, and study groups
  • Participation at high-level meetings such as the ICAO triennial Assembly, Air Navigation Conferences, symposia, fora and workshops

IFATCA has been working for more than 60 years on the major issues that affect the ATC environment. These include:

  • Commercialisation and corporatisation of ATC
  • Technology such as Digital Air Traffic Services (DATS), Controller-Pilot Datalink Communications (CPDLC), Automatic Dependant Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B), etc.
  • Consolidation of service providers – including the Single European Sky (SESAR) project and the contracting of ATC by one State to another
  • On-going involvement at the regional level with ICAO, IATA, CANSO and other regional aviation organisations.
  • IFATCA plays an increasingly important role in several other regional organisations, such as EUROCONTROL, EASA, the European Commission, ACAO, and many more.

For over 60 years, IFATCA has been the reference for air traffic controllers. Through continued professional involvement at the global level, IFATCA has demonstrated its ability to identify, address and solve concerns of interest for air traffic controllers with ANSPs and other stakeholders. IFATCA is the global voice of air traffic controllers.


Eligible for affiliation as a Member Association is any professional association, organization, or guild of air traffic control personnel whose technical objects are essentially the same as those of the Federation. The IFATCA Constitution and Administrative Manual list the following conditions for associations considering joining the federation:

  • Only one association, organization or guild of air traffic control personnel may be accredited as a Member Association for an area of representation at any one time.
  • Any applicant association, organization or guild of air traffic control personnel must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Directors that it actually represents, or has the possibility to represent, a majority of the air traffic controllers within its area of representation.
  • By applying for professional membership, the prospective Member Association shall agree and subscribe, without reservation, to all provisions, conditions and regulations contained in the Convention, the Constitution, and the Bye-Laws.
  • Affiliation of a prospective Member Association is subject to approval by a two-thirds vote of the Directors.
  • Where an applicant seeks affiliation from an area of representation in which the Federation already has a Member Association, acceptance of the application from the new organization by the Directors shall automatically cause termination of the affiliation of the existing Member Association.
  • Where an applicant seeks affiliation subsequent to termination or withdrawal of a Member Association in the same or similar area of representation, the Directors at Conference shall have the authority to require, or to waive, payment of the outstanding debt (in whole or in part) owed by the previous Member Association when considering their application for membership.
  • An ATC association eligible for Professional membership is ineligible for Corporate Membership.
  • Applications for professional membership shall be directed to the IFATCA Office and shall include all necessary information as specified in the Bye-Laws.

Eligible for Associate Professional Membership are all individual air traffic controllers employed in areas of representation, where there is no possibility of affiliation to the Federation through a Member Association.

The status of Associate Professional Member may be conferred on or revoked from any eligible individual, by the Executive Board, at any time, without obligation to provide reasons.

Associate Professional Members may participate in the affairs of the Federation as specified in the Bye-Laws, and attend as observers at Conferences and meetings, except that they shall not be allowed to hold any elective office in the Federation, or have any right to vote.

When the Federation admits to Professional status a Member Association in which an Associate Professional Member would be eligible for membership, their Associate Professional Membership shall be automatically terminated.

Applications for Associate Professional Membership shall be directed to the IFATCA Office and shall include all necessary information as specified in the Bye-Laws.

Industry Partners support the aims of the Federation by complying with the Code of Practice for Industry Partners as defined in our Administrative Manual, by supplying the Federation with technical and other information and advice, and by the payment of an annual subscription.

Eligible for Affiliation as Industry Partners is any Corporation, organization or institution involved in manufacturing or selling or providing or using equipment and/or services and/or products utilised in support of the profession of air traffic control and its personnel, and who wish to support the aims of promoting, maintaining and enhancing the stature of the air traffic control profession and developing and disseminating knowledge of the control of air traffic.

Acceptance of Industry Partners does not bind the Federation to favour certain technical developments.

More information can be found on this page.

Eligible for affiliation as an Honorary Associate Member is any person who is not an air traffic controller and who is not a corporation, organization or institution eligible for Corporate membership and who has demonstrated by their actions that they support the aims and objectives of the Federation.


The status of Honorary Associate Member may be conferred on or revoked from any eligible individual by a majority vote of the Directors at Conference.


Honorary Associate Members may participate in the affairs of the Federation as specified in the Bye-Laws, and attend as observers at Conferences and meetings, except that they shall not be allowed to hold any elective office in the Federation or have any right to vote.


Contact the IFATCA Office via

Disclaimer: while every precaution was taken to ensure the above information is correct, the IFATCA Administrative Manual is the overriding reference in determining eligibility for IFATCA Membership