ATCEUC and IFATCA criticize the working conditions of the ATCOs in Cyprus
ATCEUC and IFATCA express their support to the Air Traffic Controller, who was injured during the collapse of the ceiling on the 13th of June 2019 in the Area Control Centre of Nicosia. ATCEUC and IFATCA also express their sympathy with the employees of the Department of Civil Aviation Cyprus and the effects that this accident has on their working environment. This will increase pressure on the work force, reduce moral and will create further delay and safety concerns in the area.

ATCEUC and IFATCA have criticized the working conditions in Cyprus for more than 10 years. The interventions did not result in actions from the national or European competent authorities. In the opinion of ATCEUC and IFATCA the current situation is the result of years of mismanagement and underinvestment.
The Cyprian Air Navigation Service Provider is understaffed, work with antiquated equipment, work from the third floor of an abandoned office building with very little space. Furthermore, the operational environment is
characterized by many different political interests, e.g. the lack of communication between Ankara and Nicosia, making it difficult to maintain a safe an orderly flow of traffic.
Unfortunately, in some cases it takes an accident to show decision makers that action is needed:
ATCEUC and IFATCA call upon the European Commission, Eurocontrol, Airlines, the Cypriot government and the DCA Cyprus to invest in improving the working conditions significantly for our Cypriot friends and colleagues.
We suggest that the European Commission suspends the performance scheme for Cyprus and engage in negotiations with the Cypriote authorities to develop a sufficiently funded National performance plan.
A PDF version of the press release can be downloaded here.