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The Professional and Legal Committee (PLC) was established to address various aspects of the air traffic controller’s profession. Its primary objectives are to study and analyze matters concerning human and environmental factors in air traffic control and establish appropriate standards for the selection, recruitment, and training of air traffic controllers.

Additionally, the PLC is responsible for examining legal issues about the liability of air traffic controllers. It advises and guides Member Associations and the Executive Board on legal matters as and when required. Furthermore, the committee investigates legal aspects concerning aviation safety, including the causes of incidents and the standardization of investigation procedures.

Another crucial role of the PLC is to encourage and advise the Executive Board and Member Associations on enacting legislation and regulations that enhance the safety of air navigation and safeguard the professional standing of air traffic controllers. To ensure effective collaboration and coordination, the committee actively communicates with professional and legal committees of international pilot associations, other international organizations, and aviation groups.

The PLC regularly reviews professional and legal policies established by the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Associations (IFATCA). These reviews result in written reports, working papers, proposals, and recommendations that are presented to the Directors of the Member Associations for consideration at each IFATCA Conference.

Furthermore, the PLC studies and prepares various documents as the Conference or the Executive Board deems appropriate. This includes preparing reports, working papers, proposals, or recommendations to be presented directly to the Conference or as directed by the Executive Board. The committee also ensures the distribution of information of particular interest to the Executive Board and Member Associations and proposes necessary actions based on the information available.

Lastly, the PLC undertakes additional responsibilities and tasks as requested by the Directors of the Federation and/or the Executive Board. This may involve preparing reports or fulfilling other specific duties assigned to them from time to time.

Overall, the PLC plays a vital role in studying, advising, and promoting the professional and legal aspects of the air traffic controller’s profession. It collaborates with international organizations, maintains standards, and aims to enhance aviation safety while safeguarding the interests of air traffic controllers worldwide.

Working between conferences, members of the committee research topics which have been raised by delegates at the Annual Conference via a Job Card (JC) system, been highlighted to us by ICAO representatives or the Executive Board, or by analysing the Technical and Professional Manual (also known as the TPM).

For the coming year (2023-2024), the following Member Associations are represented in the committee:

  • United Kingdom – Adam Exley, who was elected as the PLC’s new Chair
  • Australia – TBD
  • Bulgaria – Zhan Belev
  • Greece – Olga Toki
  • Israel – Liraz Alfassi
  • Italy – Andrea Poti
  • Jamaica – Kurt Solomon
  • Japan – Naoto Ishii
  • Kenya – Rosemary Kyalo
  • Romania – Lacramioara Popescu
  • Slovenia – Mark Jarc
  • The Netherlands – Jonne van Schaik
  • USA – Michelle Trudeau
  • Australia – David Perks, Special Advisor
The 2023-2024 PLC at the 2023 Annual Conference in Montego Bay, Jamaica

The actual work programme for the Professional and Legal Committee for the coming year is as follows:

  1. Review of the “ATFM” policy – Slovenia
  2. Review of the “automation” policy – Bulgaria
  3. VFR/SVFR traffic workload and capacity – Romania
  4. Complete review of the “TRNG” policy – The Netherlands
  5. Positive safety culture vs a just culture – Italy
  6. Investigate the potential introduction of a low traffic licence – Kenya
  7. De-activation of safety tools and systems to the ATCO – USA
  1. Review of the “Work and Rest Scheme” policy – Greece
  2. Define a definition for an Air Traffic Controller – Japan
  3. Confusion with leased aircraft markings and callsign – Jamaica
  4. Review of the “Operating in Unsafe Airspace” policy and the closure of airspace procedures – Israel
  5. RPAS DAA (detect and avoid) RWC (Remain well clear) – Australia

The committee can be contacted via its Chair, Adam Exley via plc.chair@ifatca.org