
168 Articles

COVID-19 Interviews – part 2

In the second interview, Marc Baumgartner - former IFATCA President and currently…

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COVID-19 Interviews – part 1

In the first of this series of interviews, Marc Baumgartner - former…

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IFATCA PCX & CEO Message on COVID-19 Crisis

In normal circumstances, the IFATCA family would be gathering in Singapore at…

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COVID-19 Statement

It is with great respect that we see air traffic control staff…

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Coronavirus Guidance

The world is once again facing a global crisis that is not…

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Conference 2020 Update

Conference 2020 Update: the outbreak of COVID-19 / nCOV-2019 has impacted the…

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International Women’s Day 2020

There is a growing worldwide shortage of air traffic controllers. Forecasts from…

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Conference 2020 Update

The Executive Board reviewed the preparations for the 2020 Annual Conference in…

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New Issue of The Controller

It is our pleasure to present the latest electronic issue of The…

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Building up to 100 Years ATC in 2022…

Today, 100 years ago, the UK Air Ministry commissioned an “Aerodrome Control…

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