IFATCA @ ICAO Assembly #40
The 40th edition of the ICAO Assembly is underway at the organisation's…
European Aviation Artificial Intelligence High-Level Group
The Kickoff meeting of the European Aviation Artificial Intelligence High-Level Group took…
Just Culture: Are we sustaining a false belief?
By Sidney W. A. Dekker, currently a professor at Griffith University in…
Just Culture: Are we sustaining a false belief?
Continued from part 1 None of this is just rhetoric on the…
Safeguarding the Aeronautical Frequency Spectrum
Europe is currently studying the possibility of low power audio “Programme Making…
Airservices Australia: report on poor workplace culture
A report commissioned by leading workplace lawyers Maurice Blackburn Lawyers for Civil…
Just Culture: Learning or Punishing?
By Job Brüggen, Safety Officer of LVNL (Air Traffic Control The Netherlands).…
IFATCA Think Safety Workshop – Nassau, Bahamas
The 10th Think Safety course just wrapped up in Nassau, Bahamas. The…
Single European Sky III – Mission Possible?
The Single European Sky (SES) concept was initially introduced by the European…
JATCA Launches ERM website
Our Jordanian colleagues have launched their website for the European Regional Meeting…