IFATCA cautions on post-COVID-19 air traffic recovery
The duration of the COVID-19 crisis is having a serious impact on…
IFATCA Position on Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) systems
Read the Press Release Note: this position must be considered as provisional…
IFATCA Position on Europe’s Single European Sky
Considering the publication of the revised legislative SES package, known as SES…
Joint Statement by IFALPA and IFATCA on TCAS
TCAS Needs Your Help! Following the recent EUROCONTROL report on TCAS RA…
Informal Online Meeting
On 17 November 2020, IFATCA held an informal online meeting to update…
Asia/Pacific Regional e-Meeting October 2020
Fro 21 to 23 October 2020, EVP Asia Pacific Anthony Ang (Singapore)…
Volcanic Ash Refresher
As this is the year 2020, you might as well be as…
During the COVID crisis, many organisations reverted to using a different form…
International Day of The Controller 2020
On October 20th, IFATCA invites everyone to join and celebrate the International…
IFATCA calls on Russia to respect Just Culture
IFATCA, the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Associations, is extremely shocked…