IFATCA 2030+ – Conclusions & Recommendations

Ensuring contact with MAs

It is obvious to us that the A55 document is of extreme importance to the survival of the Federation.

  • The upkeep of this database must be a priority to ensure connectivity with the MAs.
  • Alternative means of establishing contact and maintaining communication with MAs should be investigated and enforced. This may include using existing regional communication networks (WhatsApp groups, etc.) to update the A55 in regular and close cooperation with the Office Manager.

Increasing regional strength

MAs want IFATCA to increase regional strength but retain a global focus and coordinated direction. This can be achieved through:

  • Creation of regional TOC and PLCs overseen by the chairpersons of these committees at a global level.
  • Regional elections to be conducted at regional meetings. EVP elect to take office officially at Annual Conference. This will allow an overlap period where an official handover can take place.

Conference format to be changed

  • More interaction, less working paper discussion (voting on papers to be removed from conference as such). The format should ensure the following are addressed as a matter of priority:
      1. Taking valuable information back to your MA
      2. Learning from peers
      3. Networking/making connections
      4. Latest developments in the industry + Workshops
  • Investigate hybrid conference options allowing maximum involvement from those not present
  • Investigate cost effective means of holding conferences – one location, events organiser, minimum criteria, etc.
  • Recognising the value that the hosting of such conferences can bring to an MA
  • Regional meetings will be tailored to regional requirements. More time should be given to discuss MA needs and the management of the region.

Valorising the professional image of the Federation

  • Consider employing/ subcontracting professional staff to provide services related to a more ‘professional/ corporate’ style IFATCA – in particular a media specialist and lobbyist
  • Providing regular training to elected officials and representatives in order to improve their leadership, time, and project management skills.
  • Identification and widespread publication of a common IFATCA vision and mission statement regarding its goals for ATC.
  • Redesign IFATCA’s branding.
  • Consider the make-up/ design of the Executive Board and its effectiveness
  • Creation of a legal advice/ JC/ CISM intervention hit squad
  • Promote successful IFATCA led programmes.

Communication development

  • Increase of communication between MAs in each region and information sharing through technological solutions. This could include message boards on websites.
  • IFATCA 101 (video shorts) – what we do, who we are.
  • Briefings/ videos from regional EVPs to other regions on particular issues that their MAs are being faced with.
  • Welcome to IFATCA information packs.
  • Creating an MA toolkit to include ‘how to’ guides. These should include guidance on the structure of their associations, email addresses, websites and how to communicate with IFATCA.
  • ‘TED’ talk style video-based information for MAs from EB and reps.

Embracing volunteering

  • The main reason for both individuals and MAs participating in IFATCA is in gaining knowledge and promoting the profession. In order to meet these expectations, IFATCA as an organisation should take these expectations into account when determining their main focus areas
  • Because of the nature of the organization being a volunteer organisation without employees, IFATCA is unable to provide time off for volunteers to participate. The solution could be sought on the other end of the spectrum. As volunteer jobs are currently too time consuming for people and creating more time is not possible, creating jobs that are less demanding could be an option which is within IFATCA’s capabilities. This coincides with the general movement that “volunteers nowadays are seeking greater freedom, are less loyal to one organisation, will volunteer for a shorter period of time and require customised tasks with a more pragmatic and flexible approach” (Keeping the Engine Running, Pauptit 2019). Current global constraints on ATCO staffing also hinder participation.
  • Although IFATCA also cannot control the generational aspect of a lack of motivation, possible causes such as a lack of understanding of expectations and the vision of the organization can and should be taken away by profiling as an organization.
  • It is interesting to notice the lack of financial means combined with “(financially) helping other MA’s” as a main motivator to participate within IFATCA. Current organizational by-laws prohibited financial aid in order to participate as a volunteer, but it could be investigated whether this would be a viable and desirable option.
  • The leveling of knowledge has been mentioned earlier as a means to strengthen social bonds. It would be interesting to study what the exact issues are within a region, to what extent these are already covered by existing organisation programs and what can be done to further balance the regions.
  • Promotional material from IFATCA on the work, expectations, (association) goals and experiences could increase awareness of participation. Scientific studies have shown that it is key to convince the potential volunteers that participation would better satisfy their needs than inactivity (Gil Clary, Snyder, & Ridge, 1992). Non-volunteers are more likely to start volunteering when they are made aware that it presents them with nonmaterial benefits in the long term (Clary, et al., 1998). By starting to work internally on volunteer acknowledgement and sharing the possibilities for volunteers, the organization could eventually set up a possible best practice for promoting volunteering among the federation. This could work for both IFATCA as for MAs internally struggling to find volunteers, which helps the MAs and thereby meets one of the MAs expressed needs.

Financial considerations

  • Financial review to consider streamlining.
  • Consider funding representatives participation beyond accommodation.
  • Monetising the involvement of IFATCA participation in large projects and remunerating participants accordingly.
  • Reducing the financial risk of holding conferences.
  • Review how IFATCA subscription fees are calculated and collected.
  • Investigate how IFATCA managed courses or workshops could potentially generate income for the Federation.