Happy International Women’s Day 2021!
This year, the international air traffic controller community and the international pilot community join forces to promote gender equality in aviation.
In creating its Equality, Diversity and Ethics Task Force in 2019, IFATCA made a very public commitment to promote equality and diversity within our profession. In doing so, IFATCA believes this will strengthen our profession worldwide. IFATCA encourages all its member associations to promote equality and diversity regardless of philosophy of life, culture or gender. IFATCA encourages all member associations to take action to ensure that female air traffic controllers are represented at all levels within their association, on their executive board and on their committees. IFATCA Member Associations are invited to further ensure that the recruitment and selection of new air traffic controllers should not be biased by gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, cultural backgrounds or any other characteristics. IFATCA will continuously work to promote equality and diversity within our profession.

Both IFATCA and IFALPA embrace the International Women’s Day theme of #ChooseToChallenge. We in IFATCA and IFALPA choose to challenge and call out gender bias and inequality in aviation. From challenge comes change, so let’s all choose to challenge. Join us and show your support with the choose to challenge pose.
#chooseToChallenge #IWD2021 #IFALPA