Webinar 2 – Maintaining Competency and Training During Recovery

1 Min Read
ITALY, Bari, International airport, flight control tower, flight control strings


Restricted access to training facilities combined with possible spikes in traffic levels, and the replacement of ICAO’s COVID-19 Contingency Related Differences (CCRD) by a Targeted Exemptions System from 1 April give rise to many challenges related to training operational staff.  Since the out-break of COVID-19, airlines and ANSPs have been working to address challenges related to training, and drive solutions to ensure competency of operational personnel. Join us for the second episode to gain insights from industry experts on the respective measures airlines and ANSPs are taking as well as best practices that can be implemented during the recovery phase.

You are cordially invited to register for:

Episode 2 – Maintaining Competency and Training During Recovery

Target Audience: Airlines, ANSPs, ATC/OCC Shift Supervisors, ATC Unit/OCC Managers, Training Managers / Directors
22 April, 2021
1030 UTC

Register now using the button below

Please note this is a FREE webinar however live attendance is limited to the first 1000 attendees connecting