Coronavirus outbreak
With our Annual Conference in Singapore another 2 months away, the IFATCA…
IFATCA EU 373/2017 Regulation Workshop
On the initiative of our Lithuanian and Latvian air traffic controllers’ associations,…
Executive Board Meeting – September 2019
The EB meeting started at 0900 on Friday, September 20th. All EB…
International Civil Aviation Day
Every time I fly, I am still amazed by the miracle that…
IFATCA & IFALPA highlight concerns on Just Culture
The first ICAO European Aviation System Planning Group (EASPG) is currently being…
IFATCA Asia/Pacific Regional Meeting in Nepal
The 36th IFATCA Asia/Pacific Regional Meeting was held from 21 to 23…
Think Safety – Sofia, Bulgaria
Last week, IFATCA held its 11th Think Safety workshop. The course was…
Day of The Controller 2019
On October 20th, IFATCA invites everyone to join and celebrate the International…
New Issue of The Controller
Thanks to the hard work of our Editor Thom Metzger (USA NATCA)…