The second day of the 30th IFATCA Regional Meeting of the Africa Middle-East Region started with a workshop on the Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS) provisions that will become applicable next year, on 5 November 2020.
Mr. Mohamed Smaoui, Regional Deputy Director- ICAO Cairo office in Egypt, gave a detailed overview of the Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) contained in Annex 11, paragraph 2.28, and Appendices 5 and 6. Mr Duncan Auld, President and CEO stressed the need for FRMS to be supported by a robust safety oversight system. Mr. Jehad Feqir (IATA) presented the FRMS strategy from the airline perspective.

A panel of experts from different fields in aviation then interacted with the audience and discussed the implementation of FRMS in the region. The panel was moderated by Mr. Mohamed Smaoui (ICAO-MID, Cairo, Egypt), and was composed of Mr. Jehad Feqir (IATA), Mr. Mohamed Rejeb (ACAO), Dr. Hanéne Djmail (CEMEDA), Cptn. Souhaiel Dallel (IFALPA), Mr. Duncan Auld (IFATCA), Mr. Fateh Bekhti (IFATCA) and Mr. Jean-François Lepage (IFATCA).
The afternoon was dedicated to a joint IFATCA-ITF workshop: Working Together – Conflict Management and Resolutions, animated by Mr. Mohamed Dauda Safiyanu (Africa Regional Secretary – ITF) and Mr. Fateh Bekhti, Executive Vice-President Africa Middle-East.