The Controller – 1965, Issue 4


  • The United States Supersonic Transport – Raymond B. Maloy
  • Lessons learnt in nine Years SATCO – J. S. Smit
  • Bright Radar Displays – G. N. S. Taylor
  • Secondary Radar Implementation Dates in Europe
  • Air Traffic Services at the IVA
  • ATC Transponder Performance Pre-Flight Test Set – Tirey K. Vickers and Edward M. Hunter
  • The SRT Philosophy on ATC Automation – J. Edwards
  • General Purpose Computers and CRT Displays in Air Traffic
    Control – R. Arnolds
  • IFATCA Corporation Members
  • The International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers Associations
  • Altimetry at High Altitudes with a View to the Vertical Separation of Aircraft – Dr. Ing. Frhr. v. Villiez