The Controller – 1964, Issue 2


  • An IFR Sight Plan – J. E. Grambart
  • IFATCA Annual Conference 1964
  • IFATCA, Addresses and Officers
  • Flight Safety Symposium – Geoffrey Monk
  • Supersonic Transport Symposium – Geoffrey Monk
  • New ATC Associations
  • Professor Schenkman UN Consultant
  • Eurocontrol Agency
  • Eighth Annual ATCA Conference – Helmut Elsner
  • New ICAO Secretary General
  • Somalia Member of ICAO
  • Eurocontrol ATC Simulator
  • Model and slide rule to demonstrate the relative vertical position of the fight levels, the QNH altitudes, the QFE heights, the transition altitude, the transition level and the transition layer – Dr. G. Raenike
  • Transradar FAB 6072
  • Controller’s Gossip