The Controller – 1976, Issue 2


  • The Controller’s Legal Liability (II)
  • The ATC Evaluation Unit, Hurn Airport, U.K.
  • Integration of SST in the Non-Sophisticated ATC Environment
  • The Provision and Use of Information on Air Traffic Control Displays (I)
  • International Law (IX)
  • Air Traffic Control in Sweden (I)
  • The Controller’s Responsibility as viewed by the High Court of Australia.
  • Air Route Surveillance Radar System ARSR-3
  • Social Stress and the Air Traffic Controller
  • Birds in Flight: Radar Observation and Avoidance
    Procedures which can be employed by Air Traffic Controllers
  • Airports and their Control Towers (4)
  • The Dallas-Fort Worth Airport
  • News from the Federation
  • The Controller in Aircraft Accident Investigation
  • The Pilot’s Point of View
  • News from Member Associations
  • Publications Review