The Controller – 1979, Issue 2


  • Report of the IFATCA President
  • Rationalization of ATC Systems
  • ILO Meeting of Experts on ATC
  • Meeting of the IFATCA
  • Executive Board in Africa
  • First African Regional Meeting
  • The Sudanese Civil Aviation Institute
  • Civil Aviation Training Effort for Africa
  • International Law – Part XX
  • Our Concern
  • FAA Study on Air Traffic Controllers Health
  • Report on 34th Annual IFALPA Conference
  • Universal News
  • Air Traffic Control before European Parliament
  • News from Corporate Members
  • The Edward Warner Award
  • IATA and the European Air Traffic Services
  • The Case against Antihistamines
  • Orders for Civil Jets in the next Five Years
  • In the Federation’s Mail Box.
  • Publications Review
  • IFATCA Membership Card Benefits