The Controller – 1962, Issue 1


  • Editorial – Walter Endlich
  • The Philosophy behind and some Details of the Apollo Computer System – H. S. Bray
  • On the Automation of the Air Traffic Control Services in the German Federal Republic – Roland Maier
  • First Civil Secondary Radar for Continental Europe
  • Flight Plans and Flight Programmes – J.E. D. Williams
  • ITA — The Institut du Transport Aérien
  • ACCESS, Down to Earth/ Ground Communications – Jesse Sperling
  • ICAO Communications Division completes work
  • Flarescan
  • Beacon: 5-year ATC Plan – Phil Geraci
  • The Importance of the so-called “Human-Factor” for the Reliability of Collision Prevention in the Terminal Area – Prof. Dr. H. von Diringshofen
  • IFATCA Annual Conference
  • Great Problems in Air Traffic Control
  • Survey: Modern Equipment, Installations and Systems for Air Traffic Control and Air Navigation