The Controller – 1965, Issue 3


  • Report of the 4th Annual IFATCA Conference, Vienna 1965
    • Agenda
    • Opening Ceremony
    • Address by the President of the AATCA
    • Opening Address by the Austrian Minister for Transport and Power, Mr. Otto Probst
    • Address by the President of the Austrian Federal Republic, Mr. Franz Jonas
    • Address by the Landeshauptmann von Niederösterreich, DDDr. h. c. Dipl.-Ing. Leopold Figl
    • Opening Address by the President of the Bundesamt für Zivilluftfahrt, Dipl.-Ing. Walter Watzek
    • Address by the President of Austrian Airlines and Chairman of IATA, Dr. Lambert Konschegg
    • Opening Address by the President of IFATCA
    • Sub-Committee A
    • Sub-Committee B
    • Public Meeting
    • Address by Cptn. Bartelsky, IFALPA
    • Address by Mr. H. M. Koemans, IAOPA
    • Address by Mr. Shipley, Cossor
    • Address by Mr. Schmidli, IANC
    • Address by Cptn. R. Hill, IFALPA
    • Address by Mr. Z. Veres, YATCA
    • Address by Col. Blackburn, USAFE
    • Address by Mr. S. Scripcaru, Romania
    • Address by Mr. T. K. Vickers, ATCA
    • Papers presented by Corporation Members
    • Technical Exhibition at Vienna Airport
    • Attendance List
    • Corporation Members
    • Appendices to the Conference Report
    • Resolutions
  • The Operational Use of Primary and Secondary Radar in the United States
    – George M. Waller, FAA
  • Site for Maastricht UAC
  • Greek Civil Aviation Centre to obtain the Status of a University
  • Book Review
  • After the Conference