The Controller – 1966, Issue 4


  • ATC Highlights of the lowan ION Meeting
    – Tirey K. Vickers
  • Sixth Convention of the U.K. Guild of Air Traffic Control Officers
  • The ARSR Weather Surveillance System
    – T. J. Simpson
  • Austrian Controllers visit Budapest
  • Wake Turbulence
  • IFATCA Annual Conference 1967
  • Laying of the Foundation Stone of the Eurocontrol Upper Area Control Centre at Beek-Maastricht Airport
  • The S.R.T. Daylight Display System for ATC – S. Skaraeus
  • International Symposium on Civil Aviation Safety – Roger J. Sadet
  • The Problem of Air Traffic Control – Roger J. Sadet
  • Letters to the Editor
  • IFATCA Addresses and Officers