The Controller – 1974, Issue 2


  • Clinical Problems and Stress in Air Traffic Control
    A Medical Study on Controller-prone Diseases
  • “Spirit of St. Louis” greets ATC
  • Computer Aid for Approach Sequencing
  • International Law
  • Wake Turbulence Study
  • The Uncrowded Sky
  • The International Air Carrier Association
  • The Changing Pattern of Stress
  • Statistical Recording of Air Traffic
  • Europe modernizes, computerizes to meet ATC Challenge ATC and the 10-year Plan
  • Fool me twice
  • Automated Link for Air Traffic Control Centre
  • News from the Corporation Members
  • Legal Developments in Aviation
  • News from EUROCONTROL
  • IFATSEA – A new International Organisation
  • News from the Federation
  • 25th Anniversary of the Australian Association
  • News from Member Associations