The Controller – 1976, Issue 1


  • Air Traffic Control in the Soviet Union
  • The AGARD 20th Guidance and Control Panel Meeting
    Symposium, Part II
  • Aircraft Noise and the Air Traffic Controller
  • The Integration of Supersonic Transport into the ATC System
  • International Law, Part VIII
  • Survelllance Radar designed for improved Target Visibility
  • More about Radar Data Processing Problems in the U.S.
  • ATC at Copenhagen (Kastrup) Airport
  • The General Aviation Pilot and Air Traffic Controllers
  • Secondary Radar for the smaller Airport
  • News from Member Associations
  • News from Corporation Members
  • Airports and their Control Towers (3)
  • Welcome to New IFATCA Corporation Members
  • The Pilot’s Point of View
  • News from the Federation
  • Publications Review