The Controller – 1963, Issue 1


  • Air Traffic Control Liability in National and International Law – Dr. Werner Guldimann
  • Civil Aviation Center to be set up in Beirut
  • Seventh National Meeting, Air Traffic Control Association, Las Vegas – Maurice Cerf
  • General Aviation, the Third Force
  • IFALPA Conference on All-Weather Landing
  • Problems of Air Space for General Aviation – Peter G. Masefield
  • Air Traffic Control into the 1970’s – D. W. Watkins
  • IFATCA Annual Conference 1963
  • Stress and Performance in Air Traffic Control – K. G. Corkindale
  • NATO and the Committee for European Airspace Co-ordi-nation – Colonel K. Birksted
  • FAA/BFS Symposium on Air Traffic Control in Frankfurt Greek and Japanese Air Traffic Control Associations founded, ATCO’s in Central Africa to found an Association too
  • Controller’s Gossip
  • Aviation Writers meet with Avionics Industry
  • ICAO Meetings 1963
  • Resolution
  • Corporation Members